Tag Archives: Wellesley Boutique Hotel

Simple joy #1 I get to eat food prepared by top-notch chefs.

Elderflower Jelly Cheesecake by Copthorne Hotel Chef Chetan Pangan

Elderflower Jelly Cheesecake by Copthorne Hotel Chef Chetan Pangan

Here are some of the amazing desserts that I was privileged to devour after each photo shoot for FishHead magazine. But not all chefs offer the food to the photographer. I don’t know why some do and some don’t. But I did notice that between the mains and the dessert (I always shoot two dishes for the recipe section of the mag), the chefs might offer the dessert but never the main dish. Oh well, most of what they cook are meat from four-legged animals so I can’t eat them anyway.

To all the chefs who’ve been feeding me, thank you for being so sweet! And to all the readers who’ve been reading this blog, thank you for stopping by!

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